No tricks....just treats!!!
Here I am. Hallowe'en night. I was Cinderella apparently. Mama says she was a very beautiful girl who was in love with a prince. This was fitting since I am a gorgeous female and my boyfriend T-Man is my prince. I was not crazy about the outfit but, a good sport.

Here I am waiting in the window for the children to arrive.That's the best part of Hallowe'en! I just adore kiddies!

I started to get a little discouraged when nobody came to the door.

And the darn outfit was starting to get to me but, it caused a lot of people to OOH and AAH so I kept it on. I love attention.

I don't know how human woman can stand wearing this stuff.

WOOHOO! More kids coming!! Turns out wearing this stupid outfit was worth it afterall!

I made the best Cinderella. Except I have no evil step sisters, no ball to go to and I still look gorgeous even AFTER midnight. HAPPY HALLOWE'EN EVERYONE!