Back to blogging.
I have been so busy on modelling assignments I have had no time to blog. Plus Mama is going to night school so she has no time to type for me. Her and I made a compromise that we are going to make a concious effort to keep in touch with our friends at dogs with blogs. We really missed all you guys! Even if it is a little blurb once in a while, we promise to try and keep it up more often than not.
Now, I must go catch up with my four footed buddies. (And some of my favorite two footed ones)

Hi Chelsea,
Where have you been!!?! We all missed you so much (I'd bet T-man missed you the most!)..
(Pssst.. I couldn't stop laughing abt your poo poo incident.. Hee...)
Hi Chelsea!
It's nice to hear from you! We've caught glimpses of you at Jessie and Jake's so we knew you were around!
Love ya lots,
Wow, it's been a long long time!!! We missed you! I thought U were kidnapped by T-Man!!! hehehe...
Chelsea my darling, how I've missed you!! I've checked your blog everyday for the last two months.. I know how busy you've been with your modeling, and how busy your mom has been. I think you need to hire an assistant to type for a handsome black poodle called T-man!!
We've been happy to see news of you from your cousins so I know you had a fun summer.
Your devoted man,
Hi Chelsea, we're glad you're back. Baxter understands the sacrifices that a supermodel must make. that's why he is declining all modeling offers, except those that are forced on him by mom. luckily, she will take photos of him even when he's muddy and filthy.
Aw Chelsea, I missed you alot! Glad to see you back from modelling.
~ Girl girl
Hi Chelsea
Please thank your mama for joining in with my facebook group, the poodle name has been taken in vain for too long and we have had very unpleasant people compared to us.
Keep fluffing.
Charlie boy
P.S. I don't think dogs are supposed to join facebook but my typist said it was okay.
Ah, so glad to see all is well with you pretty Chelsea!
I just figured the roses smelled so good ya couldn't stop sniffing!
Hey Chelsea, good to see you again pal! J X
Even once a week...puhleze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lizzie and Ellie and momma
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