Memoirs Of A Spoiled Poodle

Chelsea the canine supermodel shares her daily diary with you. SIT. STAY. GOOD BLOG!

Wednesday, February 28

Go's my birthday!!!

Today I am 3

I had a burger topped with one of my favorite bacon flavor treats and a candle on the side. I was licking my chops when Mama presented it to me. Don't worry, I didn't eat the candle.

I had a party with some of my stuffed peeps. I have so many I had to narrow it down. I chose the ones with little or no mouths since I didn't want them eating my burger cake. Apparently they all sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me. Oddly enough all I could hear was Mama's bellowing voice...Hmmm.

I had a great day. I slept all day, got up ate, went back to bed, got up, farted, pooped, went bak to bed, got up, peed, went for a walk with Mama, had a nap then had my party with my peeps. What a perfect day!

Mama and Papa bought me "DOGGY STEPS" for my birthday. They are miniature stairs that help me get on the big bed since I try to jump on it and completely miss all the time. I will post a photo of me using the steps another day. MY day.
Thanks to all my doggie friends and all your fabulous birthday wishes.

Tuesday, February 27

Resting up

I have been lazy and not blogging. Actually - the lazy one is the one who can figure it out.

I am resting up because my birthday is tomorrow. February 28th.

I got a lovely little cell phone charm in the mail today from Paco in Malaysia for my birthday.


I don't have a cell phone but, my Mama does so she is using it. (Her birthday is months away...Hmpft!)
Anyhow, I heard Mama and Papa talking about having a little party for me with my stuffed peeps tomorrow. I heard murmurs of a chicken cake too.
Like I said, gotta rest up!

Friday, February 23

Another snit

Mama tried to set me up for a winter wonderland photo shoot today. I wasn't having it. As you can see I turned my head just when she thought she was getting a good shot.
I might be a supermodel but, I can't just "turn it on" when somebody else tells me to.
Well, I can.
I just didn't feel like it.

Wednesday, February 21

Miss Sunshade Rocks!

Turns out the mailman isn't so bad afterall. Last week I got a beautiful diamond necklace in the mail for Valentine's last week from my one and only loverboy T-Man. To my surprise the mailman bought me another package. It was from my fellow Canadian doggie gal pal - Sunshade!
Sunshade got me a pink poodle! It matches my room perfectly. This is an early birthday present. My birthday is next week. Not that I want gifts or anything.
Sunshade...YOU ROCK!!!! You are so thoughtful and nice and pretty and smart and kind and loveable and heck, you remind me of ME.
Thank You so much you adorable airedale you! Here I am enjoying my new stuffed friend. If Stinky had anything to do with this, thank him too but, I doubt it.

Monday, February 19

Stop throwing salt!

Mama took me for a longer walk today but, she ended up carrying me for half of it. Usually, I don't mind. I love being pampered. Except today I am a little teed off. I couldn't walk because there is so much salt everywhere and it hurts my paw paws!
I understand why humans put it down but, they should leave a little path so that us doggies can have a pleasant winter wonderland walk as well.

Sunday, February 18

Snow Bunny

I just love all the snow we got last week! It's still really cold and my walkies are short and sweet these days. I have made countless yellow snow cones - don't want to eat any of those and I have had so much fun running around the back yard with Mama. Mama throws a ball and it lands in the big mounds of snow and I have to find it. So I use my nose. The nose knows!

Here I am in action. Well, after the action of getting the ball.
T-Man - in case you are wondering why I am not wearing your necklace in these photos....I didn't want to damage it in any way. (Still in awe of it!)

Friday, February 16

I got my Valentine delivery!

The mailman brought me something today! He must of read my note to him yesterday warning him that he better bring T-Man's Valentine card. Behold! It was from T-Man!

I had to stick my head in the envelope right away!

There was a gift and a card! I opened the card first as Mama said that was proper etiquette. Whatever that means. The card was very cute and adorable and romantic and PRIVATE. Put it this way, he expressed his love for me in words that I will cherish forever.

I opened the gift and was shocked!

A diamond choker!

In an elegant packaging.

I immediately had Mama help me put it on. Look at it sparkle! Heck, look at ME sparkle with radiance. Oops, sorry, back to the necklace....

Here's a close up. What a romantic man I have! I just love it! T-Man... You have totally surprised me and ravished me with luxury and oh, I just can't stop gushing.

Even Papa (Who is not thrilled about his dogter having a love affair...albeit long distance...was impressed. Now he knows T-Man is serious about me and I am not just another bum to sniff.
I am waiting again for the mailman. I am sure the ring is coming next......sigh. To all the ladies on dogs with your hearts out.

Thursday, February 15

The valentine card theory

I didn't get T-Man's Valentine card yet but, I think I know why!
It's the mailman's fault.
You see he knows I don't like him because I bark viciously only when he comes to the door. But, you have to see things my way. He comes here daily, sticks his hand in the mail slot and doesn't even bring me a treat. Ever! The nerve! Traditionally, he always brought stuff for Mama and Papa and not for me - but, all that changed at Christmas time. I got loads and loads of Christmas cards because of the dogs with blogs card exhange. All the cards were addressed to Chelsea, the supermodel.
Now you see my dilemma. The mailman knows I am a supermodel and he is trying to sabotage my relationship with T-Man. The mail guy is deliberately holding the card back in hopes that he stands a chance with me.
Well, mister mailman, if you are reading this. There is NO CHANCE, NO WAY, NO CIGAR, UH UH, NO SIREE, FAT CHANCE, GET A GRIP AND GIVE IT UP!
How many ways can I reject you?
I have the world's most romantic, stylish poodle in love with me and you think I am going to trade him in for someone who tromps all over my property and wears the same outfit all the time?
I may be beautiful but, I am not stupid.

Wednesday, February 14


I got up this morning, ate my food and went back to bed. Then when I got up again, (Around lunchtime) I was hungry again. I was in a bit of a snit today and in a bad mood. Not because it's Valentine's day. It was because I had a photo shoot with Mama. And that's what supermodels do. We show up late on the set, act cranky, don't cooperate and get whatever we want. In my case, treats.
The only reason I agreed was for my love T-Man's sake.
T-Man honey, these photos are with love...for you.

And long awaited photoshoot for Valentine's day
A rose by any other just not a rose.

Even though I was moody, I pulled through for you T-Man

Tyra your heart out woman.

Monday, February 12

Bright eyed and bushy tailed

I have to keep this post short peeps. I need to prepare for my Valentine's portrait. In honor of my love T-Man. I have a photo shoot scheduled with Mama tomorrow and need to get some rest. Not that I need beauty sleep or anything.
I just want to be in top mental form so I can give it my all.
I am always bright eyed and busy tailed....I just want to be more than usual.

Sunday, February 11

Taking matters into my own paws

I had to get on the computer the minute I had a chance. Mama hasn't been on too much and you know the drill peeps...when the humans don't go on we don't stand a chance at getting a post in. I waited until Mama went to the bathroom and I jumped on her chair and logged in. I gotta make this fast cuz she'll be back any second.
I am anxiously awaiting Valentine's day! My T-Man has sent me a card!
Sigh, too bad I have to rely on that no good mailman in order to get it.
Mental note: I better not bark too much at the mailman the next couple of days. I will try and be nice. The Mail man is my only link right now to getting a note from my Romeo.
The things we do for love.....

Tuesday, February 6


I know most of you think I am perfect. Why wouldn't you? Truth is, when I go walkies I have some bad habits. (This according to Mama) I am great keeping stride with Mama with my elegant little prance...until....I see a human. Then it's all over.
I just love humans. In fact I think they all wait until they see me leave the house to go out and then they go out. Ofcourse they are purposely walking on my walkie route to see me. I try and appease them by jumping on them, getting their attention, licking them - if they let me get close enough and causing a big commotion until they finally break down and say that I am adorably cute.
Mama finds this annoying since I do this for every single person I see.
I am not just a beauty queen people, I am MISS CONGENIALITY!

Monday, February 5

It was so cold today I didn't get to have a walkies. I had to pee and poop in the backyard. I am making quite the design with yellow snow creations I have been making. I really do believe I am talented. I am thinking of selling some of my snow designs on E-Bay but, the problem is that the weather in Toronto is so unpredictable that by the time someone bids and I put it in a shipping package - poof! The snow will melt.
I have to work on some other Entrepreneur ideas.
Besides, I still have my supermodel career but, that is just based on my looks. I need something to show people that there is a brain in this gorgeous head. If you guys have any ideas let me know.

Sunday, February 4

Prepping up for V DAY

I am trying to get all ready for a Valentine's day photo shoot. In honor of my romeo Mr T-Man.
Mama thought the candle light created a nice ambience.
Papa was downstairs when we took this shot. Papa would not like the fact that I am posing seductively for my man.
Papas learn to let go. Sheesh. I am nearly 21 in dog years!
Anyhow, I want the photo to be perfect so I will keep trying.

Friday, February 2


It's Friday peeps! That means Mama is home for two days with me! I waited at the door for her today with anticipation.
It was worth it.
I slapped spit all over her face, we went for our walk, we cuddled, we watched television and she told me she loved me about 50 million times. I got tummy rubs and lots of stuff to eat.
Now, that's what I'm talking about!