Mama's going to be obedient soon!
Mama came home early today! She is on some training course this week. I am so glad. Not just because she takes me for longer walks and spends more time with me but, maybe she'll finally learn how to heel and stop barking.
Hey, I had to endure training, it's about time she did!
OH - Please vote for my boyfriend T-Man for the blog of October. I did and now you must!! Those of you with memberships go to the blogs with dogs website under the message boards where it says AWESOME BLOG FOR OCTOBER.
Let's get my man recognized. First the blog of the month, then who knows...president. There has never been a supermodel first Lady...and it's about time there was.

Chelsea - Thanks for rooting for me, and for nominating me! Not only are you stunning and totally hot, but you are loving and supportive of your man. With you by my side, I can be anything!! (President maybe??...or maybe I'll just keep snoozing on the couch..)
Your forever man,
Hey Chelsea. It's cool that your mum is going for class. I wonder if she's learning fetch? Then you can tell her to fetch stuff for you. Hee
~ fufu
Hey Chelsea are you there! I can bearly make you out against the black chair sweetie!
Bussie Kissies
Chelsea, you crack me up!!! You have such confidence in you! Yeees, we definitely need a supermodel first lady.....hehe!
You're so cute!
ps. does your mom really bark? I believe that she heels beside you.
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
I work on training my biped every day.
Tail wags,
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