I got up this morning to the sound of Mama's clinking plates - BREAKFAST! I ran downstairs, she gave me a bit to eat and kept kissing and cuddling me. More than usual. I knew something was up. I went back to sleep with Papa for about an hour and then we got up. Papa started up the truck and we got in. I was so excited! I wondered who's house we were going to or maybe to visit Mama at work? My tail was wagging fiercely - until I saw our destination.
The vet.
I started to shake and cry as I always do when we go to that dreadful building.
The vet had to squeeze my anal glands again. I have this problem often. It affects little dogs frequently. It seems I don't empty my glands out naturally like most doggies do so I need some help now and then from the vet.
I feel way better now. The vet told me that Papa and Mama are very good human parents to take me there when they notice I have discomfort with my bum bum. If I don't get the glands squeezed then I could get an abcess. And that would be very bad.
So, even though I was kind of mad about the "surprise" visit, I must admit I feel so much better now.
A little embarassed.
But, better.

hehehe....woooo that fishy fishy smell LOL! Yes Chelsea, I'm sure you feel MUCH better now!!
This is the link to the X-mas card exchange, your boyfriend T-man is signed up!!
(http://dogswithblogs.com.au/bonezone/viewtopic.php?t=139) Read the post, and if you think you want to participate, click the PM button to send your info to me!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Don't be embarrassed about that! I have the same problem. Usually the groomer does the deed, and I can last between groomings. There's nothing worse than an itchy bottom.
Your main squeeze (no pun intended!),
Oh. Well at least now your bum bum is better now.
~ fufu
Completely diff note: That is a really GREAT pic of you, Chelsea!
Who took it?
Hey Chelsea, glad you feel much better now. Ready for some meet & greet session, I bet... hehehe...
Well, apparently my lady didn't know about the glands, until it was too late! I didn't abscess, but I did finally get some out, in her bedroom. "Oh Gross" was all she could say, hee hee. Bet she knows waht to do now when I start draggin my bum bum.
Murph the dog
Nothing to be embarrassed about I too have the same problem. See just like T-Man too. It's a lot more common than you think. It's not a fun thing, but like you said it sure feels much better when it's all done. Did they give you a cookie?
Take it easy for awhile!
Your pal,
Thanks to all of you for making me feel a little better and not so alone with my bum bum problems.
Yellow Daisies - my mom a.k.a my agent and a.k.a my photographer took the photo but, it's not the photo that's so great, it's the subject. Remember. I am a supermodel.
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