More Doggie friends for us all!
Hey everyone! My doggie cousins Jessie and Jake have their own blog now. (It's about time!) I guess they realized it's all the rage and any doggie who's somedoggie has one.
Please stop by and say hello to them!!
This is all of us hanging out being couch potatoes. Potatoes of the sweet pursuasion of course.

I'm glad those are just your cousins, otherwise I'd be real jealous right now!
Your man,
WEre you guys being forced to lie on that couch?? And Chelsea, you seemed not so happy about having to share the spot light with two others..... You hid your beautiful face from the camera...
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Hi Chelsea, your cousins are cute. But of course, you are cuter!
That couch looks comfy, and plenty of room for three! But who's got time to just lay around. tee hee.
Murph the Dog
omg, you three are just too cute together. I'm glad you have cousins to hang out w/.
That's kind of you to be nice and share. Have they signed up with Dogs With Blogs yet?
Bussie Kissies
Haa your doggie cousins are cute. ;)
~ fufu
You guys get to sit on the COUCH!??!! Wow!
Cute pic!
Play bows,
Chelsea it is sooo nice of you to share your couch and the spotlite with your cousins, but then that's just the kind of girl you are! Your cousins are very adorable, but it goes without saying, not quite as adorable as you!
Your pal,
Thanks so much Chelsea for including info about our website. We want to be as famous as you and have as much friends as you.
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