Don't let the sun go down on me!
The weather's been nice lately. It rained cats and dogs this morning (and please no cracks about stepping in a poodle...I find that joke rather offensive) But later in the day it was gorgeous! Mama took me for a nice long walk to make up for the fact that she worked late - yet again and I got a nice slab of chicken for dinner.
All is well around here. Hope the weather stays like this for a while! I live in Canada so the winters are very cold and just around the corner. I just wanna yell BRRRRRR just thinking about it!
Anyhow, too bad Mama didn't get my true essence in this photo. In the sunlight, I have the lovliest red highlights around my snoot. (If I do say so myself)

Chelsea - You haven't mentioned eating chicken in a long time, so I was worried you were not getting your favorite treat. I'm glad your mama is cooking it for you. By the way, cold winters are good excuses for snuggling with your favorite poodle boyfriend.
Nuzzles and nose rubs,
Hey Chelsea, you're right. The weather does look good in the pic. And you look real cute.
~ fufu
Although the winters are least the fashion is "cool" - boots, jackets, coats etc.
Your coat looks pretty warm to me!
Look at your eyes... no wonder T-man gets wobbly legs when he sees your pictures...
Sigh..I knwo what you mean about winter, but I guess it's a little bit worse over there in Ontario eh? I do love the snow tho..
BTW, can you ask your mom to sign up for an account on the link she gave you. You have to be a member of Dog With Blogs before you can post, it's really easy and simple. After you have done that, you can post to the thread, or PM (private msg) my mum with your info!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Wow Chelsea, you looked so pretty against the greenery! Hey, if I looked closer, I could see the marking you talked about!
Chelsea you are gorgeous in any light! I live in Minnesota so I know exactly what you mean about the weather. We're enjoying a day like you had yesterday today! Chicken is good stuff, you lucky poodle you! Hope you get to go for another long walk tonight!
Your pal,
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