Tae Bo sucks
The weather was awful today. Rainy, wet, windy and I was deprived of my walk. Very depressed. Sat around moping while Mama bounced all over the living room doing her Tae Bo crap. I always push tennis balls in front of Mama's feet with my nose while she's excercising. A couple of times she almost fell and wants to discipline me but, she can't because she's in the groove and sweating and stuff so she just grunts and kicks the ball somewhere I can get at. I hate when Mama works out because she doesn't pay attention to me. One of these days my tennis ball decoy will work and I will trip her enough so that she hurts herself and can't do tae bo but, NOT enough so she can't play with me, walk me and cuddle me.
Poodles need full attention of their human companions of all times. Why should we settle for less?

Chelsea - How about an exercise video for humans and their dogs that can be done together? It would be a combination of humans carrying the dogs around (weight training) and fetching treats for them (aerobic). Then at least we could participate enjoyably, and our humans would HAVE to pay attention to us. I'll have to work on that...
Bum sniffs,
Hi Chelsea!~ Which toy are you gonna play with?
Hi Chelsea, I agree with T-man. Why don't you do the exercise with your mummy? I bet that will be fun!
wow chelsea, you have so many soft toys. maybe you should introduce them to us doggie 1 by 1 one of these days!
licky wet wet licks
Hey Chelsea, You look like you got a basket of toys to play with. ;)
~ fufu
I hear your pain Chelsea...... maybe you should try with more than one tennis ball next time. You know, one from the front, one from the back, two from the right, and three from the left!! You'll get your own work out this way too hehe.
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Bend and reach for that cookie 1, bend and reach for that cookie 2!
I love exercise, it makes me run and bark at Mommy!
Bussie Kissies
t-man has a winning idea there!
I sure am glad my momma doesn't do that Tae Bo stuff! You're right it's all about you! Doesn't your mommy know that YET! I think the ball idea is good just so she doesn't get hurt too bad, hee, hee.
Your pal,
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