Home Made Cookies

I am exhausted! I went for a long walk with Mama and we went out to visit friends and I ran around the backyard and played outside all day. Pooped! I tell ya! Mama decided she is not buying me treats anymore. Apparently they have too many ingredients that Mama cannot pronounce and therefore are bad for me - so she won't let me have them anymore. She is going to make them from scratch from now on. She made me peanut butter dog biscuits today. I turned my nose up at them. Mama wasn't too happy about that since she made four dozen of them. Oh well, I guess she will have to eat them herself. (She seems to think they are delicious!) In all fairness I never tried one. I know Mama means well and she is really trying to be the best Mama ever but, she used a shot glass to cut the cookie dough.
I don't think any Mother of the year award was awarded for this reason.
I could be wrong.
She tries really, really hard. God Love her.