Gave Mama and Papa a scare

I threw up this morning as soon as I woke up. Then I was coughing for two hours straight! It was a horrible honking noise like a goose might make. Mama and Papa were going to take me to the vet until Mama got out her tried and true "How to know when to take your dog to the vet guide" The book basically asks all kinds of questions to determine if you need to go the vet or not. I would like to personally thank whoever the author is because not only did I NOT go to the vet...I got some yummy food. The book apparently said if I didn't eat and was lethargic to take me to the vet but, you know me...I ate. In fact I kept eating until they caught on and took my food away. It lasted for two hours and then suddenly, I was good as new. I pounced all around and beat up some of my toys, ate some kibble, played would never know I was ....well, sick as a dog...just hours prior. Mama even took me to a birthday party for our friend and neighbour. She is 91 years young!! That really cheered me up. I had a ball. I hope I don't have any more coughing fits. It scared me.
It's a good thing my boyfriend is long distance, I won't infect him with whatever it was. T-Man, no need to book the next flight out...I am going to be fine.
Poor baby!! I'm so worried!! What could have caused that coughing? I'm sure your mama was worried sick. I'm glad you're feeling better. Just try to take it easy on all that partying. Rest up for T-man. You are so special to me :)
Love and kisses,
AHH sweetie so glad your okies !! maybe it's one of those 12/24 hr bugs.. you never know !!??!!
Happy Earth day/weekend !
We all met some lovely doggies resently .. you would so like these doggies so sweet and nice playmates !! One is a 9 yr old golden ret. named Summer, ahhh she's sooo pretty .. but hunny has prob's with her hips, they hurt very much, she's just like you loves the tummy rub, and petting !! Princess !! hehehe !
And some other doggies came by, but we all miss you, will you come visit ?! Or have you changed your walks ?! I'm very upset with all this rain, I want in, & out , & in and out.. but I so don't like being wet ... been busy but for now it's time for bed now may post later. So glad T-man is well, you look soo smart.
Have a good day/week be good luff 's u's all !!
Mama J,Spidie,banditt.
The coughing could be anything from "kennel" cough which is extremely contagious and passed from dog to dog...although completely harmless and goes away on it's own OR congestive heart failure and everything in between!!
Luckily it stopped. I have not coughed since.
DA TEW CATS...Mama And I walk another route now because we visit our neighbour and keep an eye on her (She is elderly and alone)
We want to come see you soon though
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