How much is the doggie in the window??

That's me in front of the window. I love to sit here and bark at people, cars, small animals and various imaginary items. I am just like the Wizard of Oz. You know how the Wizard of Oz appears to be mean and all powerful when he can't be seen behind the curtain? But, later when people see him up close he is actually not such a bad guy?
That's me.
I love to play the fierce guard dog. It works on canvassers and solicitors. They won't come to the front door. It's my "STAY AWAY" bark!
Actually, it's due to the BEWARE OF DOG signs plastered all over the house.
Mama says people don't need to know that behind the door is a little curly loveable furball who only wants to lick intruders to death.
You are such a strong and courageous lady. I'm very proud of you being able to keep all those nasty intruders away. I hope your mama is rewarding you for your work with chicken dinners!
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