If Chelsea had children....
I meant Chelsea Clinton. You know - the ex president's daughter? (and NO I was not named after her) I thought this was interesting.

Poor kid.
Then I was thinking....since I have a boyfriend of my own now. I was curious. What would my baby look like?
Ok, well there's me....So take some beautiful, smart, witty, fun, loveable, spoiled, sweet, adorable, kissable genes and mix them with....

My boyfriend T-Man's handsome, darling, debonair, loving, elegant, distinguished, gentlemanly ways....and we would get...

The most precious poodle ever. Aw.
Too bad Mama and Papa took me to get that operation when I was six months old. I can't have any babies. On the bright side....I shall continue to be the baby of my family and be spoiled and cuddled constantly and loved dearly and get first dibs on chicken and treats......
Thank God I am fixed!!! What was I thinking? I need my energy for my walks and playing and hogging the bed and jumping up on Papa's chair and barking at people through the window and chewing on my tail and doing circus like tricks in order to get treats.
Geez, I am tired just thinking about it.
But, still, we'd have a cutie petutie poodle!

My mom thinks that is the cutest post!! My mom says I've had an operation too, so can't have babies anymore -- bummer! It's great to dream though...we'd have beautiful poodle babies! I agree, it would be hard for precious spoiled poodles to have time in their busy schedules to take care of babies. Again, that would be up to our moms. And I think our moms already have their hands full keeping us happy and healthy! :)
AHHH I soo have a pup picture I'll eamil it to Mama, this would soo be yours & T-Mans other baby !!
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