Sore bum

My bum is sore again. I keep fussing with it. (Yes, I can reach...jealous?) Anyhow, Mama gave me a mini sponge bath in the sink and she cleaned my bum. I was very upset after that and refused to kiss her. The last time someone went near my bum it was the vet and ...well, I won't get into details but, it was traumatic.
Anyhow, Mama kept trying to get me to kiss her after and I refused. That is...until I saw her offering of forgiveness. That succulent piece of chicken.
Who's mad at Mama? Not me. Uh, uh, no way....she's the best.
T-Man, I hope you don't think I have an itchy bum due to hygiene reasons....the vet says my anal sacs don't drain properly because I am a small dog. (Now I am embarassed.....but, you still love me don't cha?)
I sure hope you are feeling better .....and now I feel silly because my itchy bum is trivial compared to you and the last few days.
Get well soon hon!!
We have another thing in common! This is a match made in heaven. When my bum itches, I butt scoot on mom's white carpet. She thinks it's so cute..right mom? I hope your beautiful bum heals up right.
Your butt scooting prince,
PS: I'm feeling much better today. Thank you for caring. XOXOXOXO
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