No rest for the weary

I don't know what's wrong with me. I guess I was too busy thinking of my boyfriend T-man last night. I didn't sleep all night. And you know what that means. If I don't sleep NOBODY does. I make sure of it. We were all in pretty miserable moods today and ofcourse I got blamed for it. I just kept fussing around on the bed. I also barked a couple times for no apparent reason. Then I got off the bed, went and ate some kibble at around 2:30 am and proceeded to go back to the big bed and wake up Mama to lift me back up. She reluctantly did and got upset with me which woke Papa up too. Then just as we all nestled down I let out a big burp. Right in Mama's ear!! That didn't go over too well. Mama and Papa were tired but, I wasn't. And why should they sleep if I can't? I swatted Mama's cheek with my paw a few times and woke her up. She thought I had to go pee so she tried to take me. Nope, didn't want to pee. Wanted to play. So what if it was 4:15 AM??? Anytime is playtime right? Apparently not so.
Anyhow as a result of the tossing, turning, burping, jumping, swatting.....we all slept in until lunch time.
I was so tired today but, everytime I tried to sleep - Mama or Papa woke me up on purpose!!!
They think it's funny.
Just wait!
Chelsea sweetie, I know you're missing me, but you should try to get a good night's sleep. Just close your big brown eyes, and count studly black poodles that look like me. One T-man, two T-man, three T-man....ZZZZZZZZZZ
Sweet poodle dreams & cuddles,
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