Eat your heart out Tyra Banks

T-Man - did you realize you are dating a supermodel? Just look at this pose. My fixed sultry glaze, my perfectly placed paws, my puckered mouth.....I mean really...even I have to look away or I could be fixated on my own face for hours.
And doesn't the pink just make my chocolate brown eyes come out at you and put you in a trance???
Female dogs (people call them bitches but, I barely know them so don't wanna insult them) Sometimes write me fan mail and ask how I keep my supermodel figure so trim and healthy while managing to scarf down on poultry, chicken weiners, gourmet dogfood and denta bones. I go for regular long walks with Mama and spend lots of time chasing tennis balls with Papa. Works for me.
I have to stop now because I don't want to reveal ALL my beauty secrets at once. You'll have to wait for the book.
YAWN.....Need my beauty sleep. Good night.
Kisses to you T-man!