Sunny days, sunny, sunny, sunny days.......

Another great day. I got to stay out front tied to the tree while Papa raked up the leaves. I love being outside when it is so nice! Went for a long walk with Mama. Lots of doggies out with their Mamas. We all said hello and smelled each others bums. Some are stinkier than others. Let's leave it at that.
Mama bought me a new green ball that jingles. LOVE IT. Auntie Arifa got me a red one for xmas and it was my favorite gift.
I am obsessed with my new purple lamb Mama brought home on Friday. It makes squeaky noises and I lick it and protect it like a baby sister. In fact before our walk today, I made Mama bring it along. I am very protective of it. Must be my maternal instincts even though I am fixed. Here's a question - can you still have maternal instincts even though you're fixed?
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