Flowers for my T-Man

T-man, honey, these are for you. I can't send them to you in the mail because they are flowers. Albeit plastic ones...but, I don't know how to call a courier and arrange all that so you just need to get these through cyber space.
I wanted to get you a little something special. Truth be told, I am starting to chicken out of getting groomed. I love you and all but, I don't think I could go through with it. The clippers, the buzzing of the razor, the other dogs.....I just can't take it.
I think Mama booked the appointment already. I have to get her to change her mind. Maybe SHE'S the one I should be kissing up to with flowers??
I better go find her.
Sorry for being such a chicken.
Speaking of chicken.....What's that smell! YUM!
AAWWW!!! You are such an adorable little poodle!! :) I'm falling in puppy love with you -- that's the best kind of love there is!! I'm going to put these flowers in a vase next to my cushion and snooze under them dreaming of my beautiful Chelsea. I've already started the snoozing part right now. ZZZZZZZZZZZ
I'm awake again! Hey don't worry about getting groomed for me. You look so cute with your fluffy curls. Maybe your mom will let you grow your hair really really long. Maybe you can talk her into waiting for a year!! Do you think she would go for that?
Did you say chicken?? Mmmm that sounds yummy, except my mom won't let me eat that because I'm on a special diet my vet put me on. Mean mommie and mean vet. But they mean well (hee hee).
Doggie kisses,
Chelsea ... don't worry you always LQQK fabulous when you come back from the D.O.G Salon ! :) ;)
I'm shedding alot now, MAMA J brushes me, and I LUFF it, but it is tough and hard cause my fur is thick, sometimes I get mad too when being groomed. But .... it's all worth it in the long run right ??!! ESP: now you have DBF (doggyboyfriend). You must always look your bestest ! ;)
Hope to see you soon... while on your walks !!
Hey T-Man....
Not that I am trying to control you or change you in any way.....but, now that we are dating perhaps you should consider changing your name to C-Man???
Just a thought
Chelsea, your poodle princess
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