I got a boyfriend!

Don't tell Mama. Well, she knows about him but, thinks we are just pen pals. His name is T-Man and he is a black poodle just like me! He lives in the United States and he has his very own blog!! His Mama loves him so much that she spoils him. Sound familliar? Yeah, I know...it's destiny! He wrote on my blog, then I on his, then his on mine and now we are friends. Well, I have a crush on him and he thinks I am supercute. We both have overprotective Mamas and so we are just going to be pen pals for now. As far as our Mamas are concerned. T-Man is allowed to go on a date but, his Mama tags along. I am forbidden to date at all. Oh well, like I said he is in the states so we may not be able to see each other but, alas....I can still love him from afar. I tried to pack up some things and see if Mama would let me go to the States - wherever that is....but, I realized I have way too many toys that I simply cannot leave behind. I want them ALL to meet T-Man and I don't think I will meet baggage regulations at the airport if I brought all my stuff along. I have a lot of stuff. Besides, I would miss Mama and Papa too much and ....Mama would sicken herself with worry and possibly never give me a treat ever again. We cannot have this! I love T-Man, but, I gotta draw the line somewhere.
And in case you were wondering. I still have a thing for cats. I guess I am a bi-pet-ual kind of pooch.
Please check out my boyfriend's blog and read about how his Mama adopted him. I love him. I will be checking his blog daily and writing to him. You are welcome to read both our blogs and follow along on our steamy love affair.Sigh.
I have also added him to my blog links on the right side of the page....
I'm curled up on my doggie beanbag thinking about you. I wish we could meet sometime. Would we need to get passports? Oh, it would probably be impossible... I've got lots of toys to carry too but most of them are torn up. Maybe you should think twice about introducing your toys to me :) Anyway, thank you for mentioning me on your website. I'm so flattered, I'm blushing...
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