Blogger works for me!
Mama unable to blog. Too many pictures to upload on her crazy celebrity blog. I only upload one, sometimes two so hey, I'm in luck. Or should I say, YOU are in luck. You know you love me.
Speaking of love, Still have a boyfriend and have decided to go get groomed. Actually, I heard Mama making an appointment so really, I have no choice. I suppose it'll be worth it. My boyfriend T-Man will fall in love with me all over again.
In the meantime, was trying to figure out a way to dig a hole in the backyard that will get me to the United States. That's where T-man lives. I doubt Mama or Papa will come with me. And I am a wee spoiled in case you didn't notice so I may just stick around here afterall.
I may be in love, but, hey....I am lazy. And being the pampered little princess that I prince should come to me.

Hi Chelsea,
Tell your mama that I'm learning a lot from her celebrity blog. Where does she get all those pictures?
T-man wants me to tell you he thinks you're cute!
T-man's mom
Chel's you look stunning justs the way u are fuzzy & furry & or clipped,trimmed, and groomed ... hehhe .. esp: for your T-Man how sweeet !! HInt put a flower Haiwaii style, I'm sure he'd just love that LQQK .. prettty, sexy... and Purrrrrffeeccttt !!
Mama J & Spidie !
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