Vanity will get her nowhere
Mama spends so much time in the bathroom. (And not just because she's trying some new cleanse) She takes forever to get ready. She goes under that water spout in the bathroom for what seems like eternity. Then she puts cream all over herself (which I love licking off cuz it tastes so good) then she fusses with her hair forever.
And people think I am the ego maniac.
Go figure.
During the week I understand - she goes to work and can't be all stinky when she gets there but, she is even worse on the weekends! I wait ages for her sometimes. She really needs to get over herself.
My walks are about me. Not her. What does she think we are going to run into Brad Pitt on our route? Give it up woman! Throw on a pair of track pants and put your fuzzy head in a clip already!