My schedules out of whack!
Normally Papa works from home but, for the last couple of days he has been going to learning seminars so I have been left alone all day except for when Mama comes home at lunch to let me outside. I don't like being alone. I don't tear stuff up or destroy anything....I pretty much just sleep all day. (Mama knows because everytime she comes home I am yawning)
It just isn't the same with out the human companionship.
I don't like it.
And now my schedule is all out of whack. I only pooped once today instead of my normal two times. I am doing it on purpose though cuz Mama is obsessed with how many times a day I poop. So if I can hold it in and only go once, she will have to take notice and make Papa stop going to these seminars!

Good thinking holding out on the poop. Humans are obsessed with poop, aren't they? My Humans always pick mine up and save it in a bag for some crazy reason. I have never figured out what they do with it, but it is kind of creepy.
Big Wags,
Oh sweetie, you look so sad and heartbroken. I hope your papa gets all that silly learning done and comes back to take care of you soon! I don't want you to have to hold in your poop..that doesn't sound healthy. PS: I did my two poopies today!
Your pooped out man,
Hey Chelsea, you know, if you hold your poop for long enough, you can give out REALLY stinky farts, and maybe that'll teach your dad a lesson for leaving you home ALONE!!! (I know this because I once held my poop for "6" days. Not kidding, mum left me with grandpa, I got so upset, and decided to not poop. Grandpa finally got me to poop with the help of a Q-tip.......)
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Chelsea, I hope your schedule get tuned back to normal soon
~ fufu
Instead of holding it, when I have a statement to make I like to go more than once on a walk. Then I laugh when my lady says, "Murph, I only brought one bag!" That'll teach her not to take me for my two walks a day.
Murph the dog
Poor Chelsea. I'm home with Kaylie when PaPa & MaMa go to work. I hope you'll get use to it soon.
That sounds lonely. You need brothers and sisters!
Play bows,
I have both the rents home all day. I prefer having the house to myself, a guy needs his sleep!
Bussie Kissies
Oh no home ALONE!!!why are humans so obsessed with us going potty on THEIR command??? How can you be expected to worry about poop when there are BUNNIES in the yard? ...sniff-sniff
Lot's of Lick'
Hi Chelsea, have you managed to keep your papa home yet?
Hang in there. I'm sure those seminars will be over real soon.
Our mom is now working full-time too and by the time she gets home it is dark - We totally know what you are going through.
We want her home with us all the time too.
Noone realizes what we go through - but thank god we have eachother.
Love Jessie and Jake
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