The art of Begging
Most dogs flail their paws or jump up on their hind legs to beg for food. I don't bother with those petty actions. I have my own methods. I like to lie really flat and just stare at Mama until she caves. I put on a sulky face and lower my eyelids just so...and although Mama tries to resist my charms - she simply cannot.
The extremely rare times where Mama does ignore me. (Well, she pretends to but, let's face it...I am the real actress in the family) It's times like these I must go to extremes. I stalk Mama while she is eating and do not leave her side. I make it very uncomfortable for her to enjoy her food. I lean heavily on her wrists or walk right across her stomach or try to block the plate from her reach. Works like a charm.
The lengths a girl will go to for a bite of chicken. Sigh.

You're a true artiste!! If I was there I would give you a treat for sure :)
Your man,
Haa. Chelsea, you are great at getting things your way. :)
~ fufu
It's all in the eyes, baby!
A beautiful fluff like you has to be reduced to begging. Sigh.
Bussie Kissies
Thanks for the advice, I try the lean on the arm thing too, but my favorite is when my lady is trying to eat while sitting on the couch, I get up behind her and lean over her shoulder, staring at her food on the plate.
Murph the dog
Chels, ya know I love you. I'm going to say something now that isn't directly about you; & I know that you don't exactly enjoy sharing attention.
Can you let your mama know that I just love that rug you're sitting on in that pic? It's gorgeous!
She has great taste! Of course she does, she adopted you! (See, I did come back to it all being about you). ;)
There's NO igoring those eyes of yours, Chelsea!
Play bows,
Wow, that's one well thought out routine you have there! Hope you don't mind if I borrow a couple of those ideas since they work so good for you, maybe they'll work for me too, huh? Of course, I'll have a problem with the whole eye thing 'cause mine are more cute than pleading. You've got the kind of eyes that can get anything from anyone!
Your pal,
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