Poopie team work
Now that it's so much darker when Mama takes me for my walk, Mama and I realized we must come up with a new method to stooping for my poop. You see being a small dog, I have small poop. Small but, potent. Anyhow, Mama sometimes can't find it in the dark and she has resorted to pretending to pick up something (in case anyone is looking) - so she ends up just carrying a bag of leaves around until she can dispose of them.
I have decided to help do my part to protect the envoirment and not leave my stinkies lying around. What I do is just when I start to poopie, I look back at Mama and give her the queue. Mama gets the poop bag ready in her hand like a catcher's mitt and she simply opens up the bag so that my poop lands inside of it. Voila! No mess and no worries of some unsuspecting person walking in it.
Mama says I am a good girl for caring about the envoirment. Truth be known, I am just worried someone may pick up my poop and try to sell it on E-Bay. You wouldn't believe how many demented people would try and make money off a famous supermodel. They probably want my saliva too. Sickos.

A supermodel and an environmentalist too...sigh.. you're so multi-talented. No wonder I'm crazy about you!
Thank you honey for your beautiful card! I received it today. Check out my blog to see me reading your note!
Your devoted man,
Chelsea, it's so nice of you to care about the environment. :)
Great work.
~ fufu
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, your mama "pretend" to pick up poop?? That's just WAY too funny!! And yes, you gotta be careful, they will either auction off your poop or roll in it. I had a male dog roll in my poop because for whatever reason, he loved my scent THAT much....
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
I wouldn't sell your poop, I would roll around in it.
Bussie Kissies
Oh Chelsea - Mamam was laughing when she read your blog today. She thinks your sooooooooooooo clever.
Good idea. We agree - It is getting way too dark and this is the time of the year where people stop picking up poop. But luckily the snow is coming so you will be able to see it too.
Thank god our poop isn't white!
Dear Chelsea,
Way too much information...why do dogs have to go outside in public to do their business where the WHOLE world can watch? Disgusting! We go in our covered litter box. Only mommy has to go in their and scoop and no one knows. As for size...well that doesn't matter obviously cause mommy is always telling us that for small bodies we make the stinkest "contributions" that smells up the whole bathroom and she has to leave the fan going all the time....and she thinks her's doesn't smell...yeah right! Let's face it...we are all stinkers! But we are family!
Love from your cousins,
Lizzie and Ellie
Aahh, Chelsea, I love how your heart is always in the right place! You would think someone of your stature would not be concerned with all the little things in life, but there you are coming up with a "Poop Plan" to protect shoes and the environment!
Your pal,
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