Doggie elections
Mama went and voted today. Some humans running for various political positions. I don't know much about it...but, it got me thinking. We doggies should have an election. You know, important doggie issues that we face daily. For example voting for the best behaved pooch. How about a vote for the doggie with the best smelling poop? Or the doggie with the most stories of demolishing their humans shoes to a fine pulp? I say we also vote for the most adorable dog. Which really isn't a fair one cuz, let's face it peeps....I'd win.

My Human's did that voting thing last week, too. But they said I don't get a vote- what's up with that? We dogs get no respect.
Big Wags,
Woh, seems alot of our doggie friends' human did the voting thing. I think the doggies should get to vote too.
~ fufu
if there is a chance; i will i can't think of any now.. vote for the best beach we can hang around?? wooff woff..
How's the Xmas card coming along for you Chelsea. I think MaMa is gonna send me for another trim. She says my fur is still too messy. I don't want to be sissified!!!
I would vote for you anytime!!
Your man,
Chelsea if you ran for anything (other than a ball) we would vote for you!
Love Jess and Jake
I'm with you Chelsea, let's hold our own doggie elections. We'll show our hoomans how it should really be done and what the really important issues are!
Your pal,
I'm running for pee-meister
Bussie Kissies
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