The best - the very best sucky face ever
I save this face for desperate measures. (In no particular order)
1) When I want a piece of something I shouldn't have.
2)When I just went for a walk but, want to go back outside to lick the barbecue. (Hey you never know, you could find meat scraps on that thing!)
3) When Mama's excercising and not paying attention to me.
4) ANYTHING that Mama or Papa do that involves not paying attention to ME.
5) When I want to go to bed but, I don't want to go alone
6) When I know there is leftover chicken in the fridge
7) When I need a tummy rub.
8) When I beg Mama to let me go on a plane to see my T-Man.
9) When I just get back from grooming and want Mama and Papa to feel guilty and give me a treat. Yes, another treat! (People, we get poked, prodded and's the least you can do)
10) For no apparent reason at all. Just because it makes Mama's heart melt.