Mama's girl
Sorry I havn't been posting. Mama's been home with me now for two weeks! Woohoo I am loving it. I think she is going back to work soon. Darn.
Mama took me to her work since we live so close and showed me off to all her coworkers. They were oohing and aahing and saying how I cute I am. They also said I am so well behaved.
No news to me. Or Mama.
Some woman came running out and was dissapointed when she saw me. She said, "'s a dog, the way you were all going on I thought it was a baby." And she turned away.
Mama corrected her quickly by saying...."It is a baby!!! MY baby."
Aw, that Mama.... You go girl!

hey chelsea,
what? your mom hasn't been to work even way after x'mas and new year? hehehe. how good is that. i hope you don't have separation anxiety when she go to work soon.
wet wet licks
Chelsea, you get to go work with your mum. So nice.. And that women was real rude. You're way cuter then any baby.
~ fufu
Trust me, you are def. cuter than any baby we've seen!!! Some people are just plain rude.
My Mom's old work called her and begged her to come back so she is gone again. Sigh. We have a nice year and a half hanging out all day together.
Bussie Kissies
Chelsea, there are dog owners and then there are moms of dogs and your owner is defienitely a mom!
You are soo lucky and that lady - is just unfortunate enough not to have you in her life or she would understand that you aren't just a DOG - you are a darling bundle of joy.
Oh and by the way - we didn't write this - it came from our mama!
Woo. My mom would make more fuss over a puppy dog than a biped baby. Some bipeds have no taste.
I got to go to work with my mom sometimes - some of her clients said she shouldn't bother coming if she didn't have at least one of us with her. Woo. THERE'S some bipeds with some taste!
THAT'S RIGHT!!!! You ARE the baby!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Some people just don't get it. MaMa's colleagues think she's crazy the way she talks about Kaylie & I.
Dearest Chelsea,
You are way cuter than any human baby I've seen, and much better behaved. Some humans don't understand how much like kids we can be, and how precious we are to our parents.
When my mom has visitors over, they remark how much CC-man and I are like her kids -- the feedings, medications, cleaning, breaking up spats, cuddling, etc. CC-man even talks back like a kid :)
You're one of the lucky ones who has a wonderful & smart mommie who would do anything for you. That's cute that she took you to her work. In the U.S., we have a Bring Your Child to Work day. Unfortunately, pets are not considered children. My mom did sneak me once in on the was boring though.
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