What's a golden globe?
Mama's watching some award show called the Golden Globes. I am watching it with her but, I don't get it. So I will tell you my take on it and Mama is going to help me out by telling you who I am referring to. Some lady who looks like she is sucking lemons (Renee Zellweger) is presenting an award. Meanwhile, Mama keeps sh-ing everyone who talks when they show a certain couple. And she is doing this a lot because the camera man seems to love them. (Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie)
Anyhow, the humans are all dressed up really nice and getting these big golden things as prizes. (Do you think they are edible? Is that what the big deal is?)
I think most of those humans talk too much!
If dogs with blogs had an award ceremony, we would just get up on the podium, happily accept our snack or treat and move on.
Well, except for me...because I would probably be hosting it. Afterall, who else could captivate the camera for two and a half hours?

Aww, Chelsea, you look so cute in your pic. I know you would win best actress in every category.
You must be patient with your mama since she is doing her celebrity research. I'm sure she will have some clever comments on what happens :)
My mom is glad you reminded us of the show. She's going to turn it on right now!
oh chelsea, right to the point about the lemon face!
wet wet licks
Chelsea, you'll be a great host for any award. :)
~ fufu
Chelsea, you would win all the awards so you couldn't be the host.
Next time the hoomans are trying to watch TV, find your squeakiest toy & run round with it. It's great fun!
Oscar x
My Mom turned the show off. She said it was low budget and boring.
Bussie Kissies
My mama watched it last night too! We were trying to get mama's attention by shoving toys in her face or fighting and it worked too.
I'm just about to watch the re-run with MaMa cos of the time difference, MaMa was at work.
I'm sure it's gonna be BORING... Go up stage, cry, thank, talk to much & then what?!!
I prefer show like doggy award...but we dont have it here...
You'd be the hostess with the mostess! Ha roo!
Play bows,
We watched it toooo, and I was expecting to see you hosting Chelsea. Gee.... hoomans sure don't know how to host shows.
I think we, dogs would go up to the stage, sniff butts, get our treat, lift a leg on the award, and off we go. At least that's what I would do.
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
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