I spent most of the day sleeping. Mama went back to work so I was a tad depressed. Papa works from home and don't get me wrong ...he's not chopped liver but, I just so adore my Mama.
Speaking of chopped liver I had some for dinner last night and devoured it in one full swoop.
When Mama got home from work today and went to kiss me, she said I stunk like puke. Papa realized I must of thrown up. Mama spent a long time trying to find out where I puked and she never found it.
That should teach her for going to work!
Maybe I'll leave her another present tomorrow. This could be fun.
Until then folks, I am putting on my pj's and doing what I do best.
Catch some zzzzz's.
Later peeps!

Chelsea, you look so adorable in your pjs. So what do you do when your mum goes to work? Do you play with your dad?
~ fufu
Chelsea - You look so cute in your purple pajamas!! Maybe we can get a matching set :)
I hope your throwing up wasn't anything to worry about, but just you teaching your mama a lesson. You're lucky your daddy is home all day with you though..
I love your jammies! That color looks good on you.
Big Wags,
chelsea, are you sure t-man allow you to show your pj to everyone???
wet wet licks
Whatever happened to the June Cleaver days when Moms were always home?
Bussie Kissies
I was gonna horka this morning, but decided not to.
I LOVE your sheep jammies! We don't wear pjs here, but I have a flannel blanket with polar bears on it that's real comfy.
Play bows,
Chelsea we are soo happy you like your pjs.
You look so cute.
We are going to start throwing up all over the house too - we want our mama to stay home too!
Thanks for the idea!
You look such a cutie pie in your pj's.
I hope mum found the sick. I am a gross boy & would probably have tried eating it again, but I am sure you are far too much of a lady for that kind of behaviour.
Oscar x
Liver is Yummy!!!
And your cute PJ looks extremely comfy.
I threw up but mama found it..on the window ledge...fortunately I don't throw up too often..just a little fur ball.
Lizzie & Ellie
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