I make Mama's day
Mama told Papa she had a really bad day at work today. She also said the minute she took me for a walk after work I made her forget all about it.
I ran through the snow and loved making crunchy noises. It wasn't even cold today but, it snowed a lot and I love the snow!
When Mama saw how happy I was and my little nose was covered in snow when I looked up at her she immediately became elated with joy.
And people think us dogs do nothing all day!

we bring joy to the hooman. that's our job!
ok i have to admit, sometime we are their pain in the a** when we bark non stop but most of the time, we bring joy!
wet wet licks
Oh Chelsea,
You're so sweet to make your mama feel better like that. And I bet it was no work at all, cause you're a natural at it! I hope your mama's day goes better tomorrow. At least she has you to cheer her up :)
Your man,
Good work!
Yep, we're good at stress relief, especially doggies with pretty little faces like you Chelsea!
Oscar x
Our Mama said You are the cutest - and she can just see your little nose white.
We are glad you cheered up your mama!
U R such a sweet darlin. I'm sure your MaMa must love you dearly.
MayB I should have Kaylie sent to you so you can teach her to be nice.
Oh Chelsea,
Your pretty face is enough to make anyone smile..
Hehehe that's right, those poor poor hoomans are missing out!!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Chelsea: You are SO hard-working! And so good to your mama! You're inspirational!
I understand exactly how your mama feels...when I come home from a bad day at work and I'm pooped and the first one at the door is always Ellie, spread out right where I have to walk...rolling back and forth so happy to see her mama...then slowly Lizzie comes out where she is (usually her bed) and is happy to see me too (but she just tries to be nonchalent, but I know she's really happy to see me too).
Sigh....no place like home...no place like home with our babies...
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