Damn that turbo jam!!!
Mama got Turbo Jam for Christmas. It was from me apparently. It's an excercise video that combines Tae Bo, Kick boxing, Tae Kwon Do and a bit of Tai Chi. Mama is obsessed with it. She does it almost every day. She comes home from work, takes me for a walk and then she starts to "jam". I have tried everything to get her attention while she is jumping around like a mexican jumping bean. I have brought her toys at her feet, pushed tennis balls to her with my nose and I even try lying on her tummy while she is doing sit ups. She gets upset and tells me to go away. I don't understand! I want to play with my Mama!! I don't understand why I can't jam with her?
Anyhow, I find it very upsetting. She should be dedicating her time to me. Me, me and only me!
I have to find a way to get to that DVD and dispose of it. Search and destroy....that's my new mission!

Aw... You do look pretty sad in the pic. Why cant you jam with your mum. It'll be fun
~ fufu
Hi Chelsea,
I'd say search for that tape and Annihilate without Remorse'!
hey chelsea,
that video could be your newest toy! just chew it.
i can't stand watching hooman acting weird like dancing. i'll sure join them by nibbing their feets!
wet wet licks
Flush it down the toilet or throw it in the backyard in the snow.
We will help you look for it and distract your mama next time we are over!
Jam?!?! Is it edible?
Dave ate a CD once; I'm sure he could do a DVD, too. And he can reach as high as the top of the magic cold box! Let us know if you need help!
Play bows,
How about a bit of Dogga while she is jamming?
Poor baby! You look so sad in your picture!! That exercise stuff is the pits. Moms get enough exercise taking us for walks and picking up after us. Really!
Remember, when you're lonely, you can look at my picture. I'll always be there for you, my dearest...
Your non-exercising man,
Is that edible?
How do they get jam into a dvd?
Chow for now,
Tin Tin xo
Maybe you can do Snickercize while your mum does her Jam.
Oscar x
Hey- jump around with her! If you do the exercises with her, you will be in killer shape for your swim suit this summer.
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