I walked 6 kilometres today. I have no idea what that means but, I do know I am exhausted! No, it's not part of Mama's drill sargeant attempts to slim me down, Mama signed us up for a walk for a great cause. It was for my Uncle Danny. (Mama's brother) Danny is in a home and there are several homes like his which are run by a place called COMMUNITY LIVING.
I had a blast! Everybody loved me and let's face it, how could you not?
Danny was in in his wheel chair. I walked with three of my aunts and my cousins! Even my doggie cousins were there. We were really tired but, we were troopers and everyone cheered for us when we crossed the finish line. Someone yelled, "Let's hear it for the dogs!"
Darn right! It was boiling hot and I have my permanent fur coat on. I should get a standing ovation for all my hard work. Good thing Mama had plenty of water and a portable bowl. I must of lost a couple pounds today for sure.
You know what that means.....I get more chicken!! EVERYONE wins!!
Here are some photos.
Here is my cousin Samantha with the mascot guy. I was scared of him!

Here's my other cousin Natasha cuddling me while we wait to go on the walk.

Some woman was singing good songs. I said good which means Mama did not sing. Thankfully.

And where there is singing, there is dancing.......

And more dancing. People had a ball just grooving to the beat!

Here I am with my doggie cousin Jake. We are starting the walk here. I never pooped during my walk even though Mama had her trusty bags with her. But, I peed alot. All that water...

My aunt Nancy with Danny on the walk. Danny enjoyed the scenery as Nancy kept pushing the wheelchair into Mama's ankles. She said it was an accident but, I'm not convinced.

Danny getting a well deserved drink after the walk is done.

And my favorite part! The barbecue afterward! Truth be known, the last kilometre I picked up speed due to the scent of grilled burger I could smell from afar!!! Lucky for me Mama got a burger and let me have it!!!
They were small burgers in case my vet is reading this.
Here's Danny having his burger.

My aunt Kathy walked too. She had fun.

My human and doggie cousins relaxing after the walk.

I made lots of friends and charmed everyone with my sunny personality but, this girl was my favorite. She told me she loved me. Doesn't everyone?

This is the group that lives at my Uncle's home. They are all nice but, my Uncle Danny is my favorite. I don't walk 6 kilometres for just anyone you know!!!!

There were lots more photos of me but, today was not about me. Everyday can't be about me. (Why not?) Besides, too much of my cuteness could be addictive. I was a good girl today.Mama kissed me so much today and told me she is so proud of me. I didn't try and lie down in the shade once during the walk. Ok, I did lie down. Twice. But, other than that I was really pounding the pavement and Mama only carried me once. Or twice. Who's counting.
I wonder if they have any burgers left........