Le Chien Elegant!
Ok, I know I havn't posted in a few days but, just to refresh your memory here is what I looked like last time you saw me.

And I bit the bullet and finally got groomed. Here I am with the new do. I can't believe I am saying this but, I am really glad I went! I am now able to see properly and show off my slim supermodel physique that was hiding underneath all that fur. And to think Papa thought I was getting fat! I have an impeccable form and it really was a shame I wasn't showing it off to the world. (And if my boyfriend T-Man is reading this I don't show off for mating purposes, I show off because I can - Don't worry, you are still the one)
I go to a grooming place called Le Chien Elegant. That's French for The Elegant Dog. How perfect does this place match who I am?? It's on Avenue Road too. Only the finest for this diva. Papa asked Mama to send my blog to the lady who owns the grooming place so I can't tell you what I really think of the whole poking and prodding experience....but, I can tell you that it is worth it.
Brad and Angelina adopt orphans. I get groomed so that the world is exposed to my beauty. It's the least I could do for humanity.

Ahh as usual Chel's U Look STUNNING !!!!
I can't believe how fast you fur Grows !!!! Hehehe
At least you get to go to a Doggie SPA...... I have to do all my own cleaning ... and a Bathub/washing bin would never work out !!!
I must smell pretty TOO!!!
Luffs Bnadito & Spidie's ....
This is T-man's mom writing because T-man is in shock seeing how gorgeous you are, and he is unable to write. He wasn't prepared especially now that he can see. I will need to revive him soon and carry him to bed. Hopefully he will recover by morning.
T-man's mom
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