Memoirs Of A Spoiled Poodle

Chelsea the canine supermodel shares her daily diary with you. SIT. STAY. GOOD BLOG!

Monday, February 5

It was so cold today I didn't get to have a walkies. I had to pee and poop in the backyard. I am making quite the design with yellow snow creations I have been making. I really do believe I am talented. I am thinking of selling some of my snow designs on E-Bay but, the problem is that the weather in Toronto is so unpredictable that by the time someone bids and I put it in a shipping package - poof! The snow will melt.
I have to work on some other Entrepreneur ideas.
Besides, I still have my supermodel career but, that is just based on my looks. I need something to show people that there is a brain in this gorgeous head. If you guys have any ideas let me know.


At 10:31 PM, Blogger Mike and Mati said...

Chelsea - Rocky here! Visiting your blog and wanted to say hello. Sorry to hear about your struggle with your weather up there, but hey, at least you have snow. We have nothing! How is that fair? Dad promised me snow to go outside in and poof, we got zip.

Well, brains and looks...hmmm, I've got it. You could go to your local Police and help crack some cases! Maybe you could work for the RCMP ...hmmm but not undercover. You need to be inconspicuous, not a pretty one that stands out!

Take care, and think snow for us. –Rocky

At 11:32 PM, Blogger T-man Angel said...

I know you'll come up with some great ideas because you ARE very smart. I know that because of the way you've wrapped your mama and papa around your little paw. (and me too!) No ordinary poodle could do that :)

Your man,

At 11:49 PM, Blogger Boo Casanova said...

oh chelsea,

your boyfriend has to pee & poop indoor and you do it at the backyard. :-)

hmm... why don't you send those nice design over to the boyfriend?

wet wet licks


At 12:54 AM, Blogger Fu Fu said...

Chelsea, woh it's that cold where you are at? Hum.. How about taking pictures of your snow design and sell those pictures instead. It could be made into the cover of some magazines.

~ fufu

At 4:02 AM, Blogger Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Yellow snow designs sound good. I like how my pee pee makes steam at the moment as the ground is so cold!

Writing your blog shows you have brains as well as beauty, pretty girl.

Oscar x

At 9:50 AM, Blogger The Army of Four said...

You could do a love-advice column!
Play bows,

At 2:45 PM, Blogger Deb said...

Hi dear Chelsea! I sure have missed you! I'm so sorry I been away so long! You are look gorgeous as always! It's been -40 windchill here for several days. I protested and went potty in the house a couple times, but I did it on the bathroom floor. Momma says I at least had the right room, hee, hee. I hope you get to go on walkies soon again!

Love your pal,


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