I didn't get T-Man's Valentine card yet but, I think I know why!
It's the mailman's fault.
You see he knows I don't like him because I bark viciously
only when he comes to the door. But, you have to see things my way. He comes here daily, sticks his hand in the mail slot and doesn't even bring me a treat. Ever! The nerve! Traditionally, he always brought stuff for Mama and Papa and not for me - but, all that changed at Christmas time. I got loads and loads of Christmas cards because of the dogs with blogs card exhange. All the cards were addressed to
Chelsea, the supermodel.
Now you see my dilemma. The mailman knows I am a supermodel and he is trying to sabotage my relationship with T-Man. The mail guy is deliberately holding the card back in hopes that he stands a chance with me.
Well, mister mailman, if you are reading this. There is NO CHANCE, NO WAY, NO CIGAR, UH UH, NO SIREE, FAT CHANCE, GET A GRIP AND GIVE IT UP!
How many ways can I reject you?
I have the world's most romantic, stylish poodle in love with me and you think I am going to trade him in for someone who tromps all over my property and wears the same outfit all the time?
I may be beautiful but, I am not stupid.