Memoirs Of A Spoiled Poodle

Chelsea the canine supermodel shares her daily diary with you. SIT. STAY. GOOD BLOG!

Saturday, December 30

People are coming!

Mama's been running around and cleaning and Papa's been tidying up. Mama's been baking and Papa's been organizing. This can only mean one thing. People are coming! YAY!
I love having company.
I hate to break it to Mama and Pops but, the visitors are coming to see me.
I am the life of the party. Heck, I am the party.
I can't wait.
I think there is a new year coming or something???
As long as there's food who needs an occasion?

Tuesday, December 26


Christmas was so much fun! As soon as Mama said the word, I started ripping into my presents.

Nearly all the presents under the tree were for me.

They just kept coming one after another!

Good thing I eat my denta stix on a daily basis. My teeth were strong to rip those babies open!

The excitement was almost to much to bear. My tail has never been so tired from wagging!

Then there were those moments where I had to watch Mama and Papa open their gifts. Yawn. Hey! When is it my turn again???

Oooh, my very own Christmas Reindeer!!!

And a plushy leather like bone!

Lots of pink toys and girlie stuff!

Another squeaky ball. A girl can never have enough of these!

Darn it....Mama's turn to open gifts again....Hurry up!

Another ball!!! YAY! The 216 I already have simply aren't enough.

Oooh! Yet another one!

Taking a break and regrouping before moving on to other gifts...

Wow a new leash! Which means walkies!! I love walkies....

Hmm, this one smells like chicken!

I'm hungry, gotta rip this sucker open.

Organic treats. Is this some kind of joke? Actually, they aren't too bad at all. I love em.

A new gray fuzzy bear. I'll show him who's boss around here!

A quick inventory of all my new toys and treats.

I got toys, pajamas, treats, new food bowls, new leashes and a seat belt? Apparently it is for my safety. Santa Paws is so smart to think of all of this!

I guarded my stuff for a while. I don't trust Mama.

I really was spoiled as usual. Don't get me wrong, even though I totally deserved it, I really only wanted one thing this Christmas and that was for T-Man to get better. And now he is!
So I just wanted to say THANK YOU Santa Paws for all my presents and for a very nice Christmas with my family.

P.S - Sorry you had milk and no cookies....I just wasn't sure if I was going to get treats or not so I ate your cookies....Better luck next year.


Monday, December 25



Saturday, December 23

Resting up

Most people open their presents on Christmas day but, Mama and Papa open their presents on Christmas Eve. They always have. They open a couple each hour throughout the night starting after dinner. This lasts all night sometimes. I have lots of presents under the tree so I need to rest up.

Friday, December 22

The magical tree

You know that tree I told you that Papa showed up with a few weeks ago? Well it's magic! Everytime I walk by there seems to be more presents underneath it. (And I walk by a lot)
The wilderness police never came to arrest Papa so I guess we can keep the tree. Which is good since I am obsessed with it.

I have to make sure Mama and Papa aren't around first. Then when the coast is clear....I snoop.

I just know all these presents are for me! I swear I can smell treats and some of the presents are a plush toy would be!

Here I am shoving my head in there to get a good sniff. Yep, it's beef of some sort....definitely all my presents.
After all - who else would they be for?

Thursday, December 21

T-Man update

My darling T-Man had surgery today - his mom put a message on his blog saying that his surgery went well and they removed four stones.
I am thinking about him all day and sending him cyber kisses and sloppy licks. I just know he is going to be ok. He may have to wear a head cone but, believe me....he is so fashionable and stylish that soon head cones will be all the rage! Doggies everywhere will be lining up at the vets to get one.
Yup, that's my man. Trend setting T-Man.
Get well soon babe.

Wednesday, December 20

A bittersweet day

Mama's sister emailed her at work this morning to tell her she had read T-Man's blog and he was sick. Mama read his blog and found out he had been in the hospital and may have stones in his bladder. Mama was very sad and called Papa to tell him. They tried to hide it from me but, I could sense something was wrong and panicked!
Then the mailman came to the door. Normally I detest the man but, he brought a package for me! It was from my beloved T-MAN!!! Check it out. A beautiful picture of him in a lovely pink frame that will go great in my pink poodle room.

Isn't he just the finest catch of a man you ever saw? It also came with a very romantic note that read:

Dearest Chelsea,
Since my mom won't let me visit you in person, I thought this picture of me could help you pretend I am there with you.

Your devoted poodle boyfriend,

What perfect timing for this lovely gesture! My man was not well and now I had a portrait of him to focus my energies on. I held a candlelight vigil in my gentleman's honor. I prayed and prayed and prayed (Along with Mama's supervision as she would never leave me unattended with a lit candle in the room)
And after I was done, Mama and I went to check T-Man's blog for an update and he's got stones but, luckily there is nothing very serious wrong with him. He is having surgery tomorrow to remove the stones. Please join me in praying for T-Man for a safe surgery and speedy recovery.
I know I am not the only who has become completely smitten with him and fallen in love.
And a special mention to T-Man's mom for taking such good care of her darling fur child.

Monday, December 18

Busy little black fuRball

I have been busy peeps. Well, Mama's been busy and I am not allowed to use the computer unless she is with me so I havn't been able to blog. I am excited because that big tree in the living room now has gifts underneath it and some smell like treats!! Woohoo.

And I want to thank all my doggie friends for the incredible cards I got! We are almost running out of room to hang them!

And even more on the mantle! I love all my xmas cards but, my favorite is from my one and only....T-Man. (Notice he is front and centre on my mantle)

And while Mama was running around I was busy as well.

Hey, relaxing is hard work !

Tuesday, December 12

Taking a stand

Here I am .....taking a stand.
For poodles everywhere.

Not quite sure why but, hey....I had nothing else to do.

Monday, December 11

Not very lady like

I did something I never do. I pooed on the carpet today. The dingy carpet by the back door that was already covered in mystery stains when we moved here. I really had to go and couldn't find Papa so I just let loose so to speak. It was not a normal poop. Obviously I over indulged yesterday on that second helping of chicken.
Anyhow, I couldn't help it but, now the humans are with holding good food from me. I only was allowed kibble today which needless to say.....remains untouched. What IS a girl to do?

Saturday, December 9

Big tree in the house!

Papa brought home a tree. I have no idea what park he took it from. I don't what possesses him to do this once a year. I hope I don't see him on America's Most Wanted. I wonder how much time humans get for stealing nature. I am sure it's a hefty penalty!
Mama didn't seem too concerned. She decorated the darn thing and even gave it water. Better have not been any of my water! I sniffed it and couldn't detect any doggie pee. Maybe I am supposed to christen it? I'll try later.
I remember last year we had a tree and at some point lots of boxes were underneath it. Most of them were for me......On the other hand, this must be a good thing!

Thursday, December 7

No dog on the catwalk!

Dear President of Victoria Secret,

My name is Chelsea. Perhaps you have heard of me? I am the number one canine supermodel on the planet. I must say I was very dissapointed when I recently discovered that you held a very high profile fashion show and neglected to invite me to participate. You must of forgot or misplaced my address. I know they call it a catwalk but, nobody struts it like me. Yes, I am a dog but, unlike those twig legged so called women you featured - I have curves and am naturally beautiful. You really don't know what you are missing. So I thought I'd rub it in a little.
Here I am doing my supermodel stance in a very flimsy piece of fabric. Notice the perfect arch to my back and my long furry legs that go for miles.

Nevermind. I just realized why you never called! It just dawned on me. I could never be in your fashion show because all those human models would never show up. For fear that I'd obviously show them up. And although I am the best there is....I couldn't possibly model ALL the fashions that night.

Anyhow, don't bother calling now. I am already booked all next year.
Eat your heart out.

Chelsea the supermodel

Wednesday, December 6

Xmas card out take number 1

Most of you have gotten my Christmas card by now. Here is one of the out takes of my Christmas card photo shoot. As you imagine, usually there are no out takes at one of my shoots because I photograph so well and am naturally inclined to pose at will. However, I was in a hissy of a mood this particular day. I posed what seemed like hours and barely had a break or was given a treat until the end of the session. I was very much in a Naomi Campbell kind of mood if you know what I mean. Here I am in a huff turning away just when I know Mama was mere seconds away from getting the perfect shot.
Don't worry, your cards all have a primo supermodel pose on them....I let Mama sweat for a while and then she got the money shot.

Tuesday, December 5

Photo shop woes - not

People are always asking Mama why she doesn't photo shop my eyes. You see my eyes always turn out yellow. Mama always tells people that photo shop has a red eye feature but, alas not a yellow eye feature.
You heard it from me peeps, it's not that my eyes are yellow. It's my golden personality that shines through in each and every photograph.

Thus, the supermodel status.

Monday, December 4

More cards!

I got more cards again! My mantle is full. And December has just started! Now that I have so many multi-cultural friends of all different backgrounds, sizes and breeds.....I got to thinking. And I had one of my brilliant ideas.
Maybe I should organize a group collage of all of us.
Kind of like a Benetton ad but, for doggies.

Sunday, December 3


WOOWOO! We had snow. A very tiny bit but, nonetheless SNOW. I love the snow. I love running in it. I was so excited when I got outside I immediately went to investigate.

Then I did my business

It melted very fast but, it still was glorious while it lasted!!

Friday, December 1

Gone with the wind

Mother Nature jipped me on my walk today. It was so windy that when Mama took me out we had to make it short and sweet. Mama was terrified I would get blown away. She weighs a heck of a lot more than me (No offense Mama but, it's the truth) And she was getting blown into the street. I am much more coordinated than she is since I have had supermodel training. I stood my ground with my long legs and I was fine. Mama on the other hand had hair blowing all over her face and looked like a weeble. You know - weebles wobble but, they don't fall down.....
Anyhow, I am staying inside if I can help it.
Thanks Mother Nature...thanks for nothing!!! Hmpft!!