Xmas card out take number 1
Most of you have gotten my Christmas card by now. Here is one of the out takes of my Christmas card photo shoot. As you imagine, usually there are no out takes at one of my shoots because I photograph so well and am naturally inclined to pose at will. However, I was in a hissy of a mood this particular day. I posed what seemed like hours and barely had a break or was given a treat until the end of the session. I was very much in a Naomi Campbell kind of mood if you know what I mean. Here I am in a huff turning away just when I know Mama was mere seconds away from getting the perfect shot.
Don't worry, your cards all have a primo supermodel pose on them....I let Mama sweat for a while and then she got the money shot.

hey chelsea, yes, after seeing your card, i have to agree strongly with you that, that definitely a money shot.
thanks again for the card!
wet wet licks
p/s: oh, blogger is back?!
That was totally a Naomi Campbell moment I gotta say, even with that glare from your one opened eye (that's an eye right?)
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Hee hee hee,
it's important to make it difficult for the human so they don't take co-operation for granted.
Even you, supermodel Chelsea. Give her grief every now and again. You might find the treats flow a bit more regularly.
Chow for now,
Tin Tin xo
So there is a temper within the beauty....
Bussie Kissies
You are too funny Chelsea...but we know what you mean....mommy gets frustrated with us sometimes when she tries to take pictures...she says its a good thing she has a digital camera cause she has to delete most of the pictures...heehee...it's good to keep our mommies on their toes!
Meow from you cousins,
Lizzie and Ellie and Mommy too.
Too funny. YEs we got your cards yesterday and you looked HOT, HOT, HOT - and we swear you sprayed it with purfume - cause it smelled so pretty like you.
That shot is still good - our photos look awful - you can't see our eyes cause our hair was growing out of control. Once momma got the photos she was so disappointed she got the scissors and well you can imagine what happened next!
Wow, Chelsea! You work SO HARD!
Play bows,
PS: Thanx for the card!
You show those photographers girlfriend. Well, er, my future mother-in-law...
You're so right Chelsea your card is gorgeous just as I knew it would be! Good job making Mom sweat it out!
Your pal,
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