I am officially 2 in human years. 14 in dog years. Yup, I am practically a teenager and have been acting like one a lot lately. I don't really listen to Mama and Papa unless they have something I want or they raise their voice. I told you, I am a teenager now. I had a great day! I had a party with my toys and got my favorite cake ever. Chicken. Yup, chicken cake. Well Mama said it was chicken cake but, it looked like regular chicken drumsticks to me. She said she went to a special doggie bakery and got this chicken cake for me. I really don't care either way. Chicken is chicken. Anyhow, I got some toys and was spoiled rotten today. Why should this day be any different than all the others???
Here I am with some of the gang. I wasn't willing to share my snacks with all the others so narrowing down the toys that were invited was a tough job. Well, not really. I just picked the toys that don't eat very much.

Mama made me wear a stupid hat too! I hate them! But, I put up with it cuz I got food out of it. Mama should know I am a teenager now and do not like to be embarassed in front of my peeps. At least there were no balloons. I am terrified of balloons.

Didn't Mama realize this stupid hat was cutting off my circulation?

Here I am snacking. That bag was my gift bag. Mama gets me a bag with dogs on it. How silly of her! Wait until her birthday she is getting a bag with humans on it. Actually, at the rate she's going, she'll be lucky if she gets anything!!

Ah....and the reason all the silliness was worth it. BEHOLD....Me and my CHICKEN cake!! They looked suspiciously like regular everyday chicken legs but, who am I to argue???
They lasted all of 3 minutes. I gobbled them up. That's why Mama didn't bother hiring a magician. Nobody can make chicken dissapear like me.