A new friend around the corner
I have a neighbour up the street who is 91 going on 92. Her name is Audrey. Mama and I go see her every Saturday and Sunday whenever we can and spend a couple of hours there. She loves me and lets me do whatever I want in her house. She also leaves a treat for me on her coffee table every time I go there.
Imagine my surprise when today - as Mama and I were coming back from our walkies...a woman we don't know came running out of a house and asked Mama to come over. Mama thought something was wrong so she scooped me in her arms and we headed straight over. Turns out the lady was a nurse and told us that the lady she cares for wants to meet me! The lady is 92 years old the nurse tells us. Mama and I make our way up the driveway and the elderly lady comes out of the house. Not at all what Mama expected. A feisty little thing with a J-Lo like lime green track suit on, makeup, impeccable nails and a big smile. The elderly lady introduced herself as Eilleen. She told Mama she sees me go by all the time and really wanted to meet me. (Which is ironic cuz that is EXACTLY how I met Audrey)
Long story short, Eilleen had a black poodle named Suzy who she worshipped and unfortunately Suzy had to be put down. She was very old and had lost practically all of her senses. Her sight, hearing, taste and smell.
So now....I have a new friend and she completely and utterly is smitten with me.
And let's face it....how can you not be??