Fufu rocks!
I got a present from Fufu today in the mail! It's a beautiful pink bandanna! Well, it's a pink bandanna, I bring out the beautiful part.
I just love it, it is pink and feminine and shows off my charms. Fufu, Thanks so much. It was very thoughtful to send me this belated birthday gift. You are my favorite hamster ever. Not that I know any other hamsters but, I am sure as far as hamsters go, you are as cool as they get!
you look pretty with the bandanna, wait, i mean the bandanna look pretty with you in it!
wet wet licks
Hey Chels,
Fu Fu is the coooolist Hams-Terrier/Hamsterdor arounds! You look reeeallys cute in that hot pinks badaners. Ruff!
Freda (Ƨ)
Hey Chelsea,
Now we can be Bandanna fashionistas together!
Oscar x
Fufu has awesome taste and you have the good looks to show it off!
Love ya lots,
With all respect to T-man.... WOW, Chelsea! You look beautiful!
Play bows,
PS: What bandana? Oh... oh, yeah. That's real nice of Fu Fu.
You're new pink bandanna looks very cute on you!
You & Oscar are such trend-setters!
Hey Chelsea, so glad you got that belated present. :) You look great with it.
Ps. I sent a matching on to T-man so you 2 have couple bandana. haa
~ fufu
Your bandana looks lovely in you! Isn't that Fufu such a sweetie?
Big Wags,
pink really did suits u well
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Your beauty makes Fufu's bandana fade.
It blinds me so I can barely see it...
Your bedazzled man,
PS: Ooh, I read Fufu's comment and am SO excited that we will match (hee hee!) Thanks for thinking of us Fufu!!
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