The 3 step program
I have successfully completed the three step program. Mama and Papa bought me some steps so that I can get up on the big bed without help. (I run up to it and try to jump but, always miss)
The first step is when I get on the stairs.

The second step is pausing right at the top (Just to make sure that Mama hasn't caved and has her arms outreached to pick me such luck)

And the third step is me making it successfully on the big bed and cuddling up.
I got this down pat!

Sorry Chelsea,I couldn't help but laugh/smile!
Pats to you..
Hey, great job on the 3 step program. :)
Can you use the steps to get treats on the table too?
~ fufu
How nice of your hoomans to make the bed easily accessible to you!
Love ya lots,
i love your steps! if i have one, i won't have to jump up on the bed like i do now.
wet wet licks
ha roo roo roo! You crack me up, Chelsea!
Play bows,
Score! Good work!
Wow, you lucky girl getting to go on the bed. I'm not even allowed upstairs! But then I guess you are only about as big as my head!
Oscar x
Hi Chelsea,
Looks like you have made climbing up those stairs look like a breeze.. all in a day's work for a supermodel!
I'm so proud of you for figuring out how to use those steps!! Mom bought some for me, and I couldn't get used to them. I refused to climb up them, so she had to return them to the store. You're not only beautiful, but smart...
Your impressed man,
My Momma almost bought some steps like that the other day!! You are one smart girl to figure that out.
My grandparents need to get one of those. Every time I visit, their bed is so high up. Peace be upon you.
I've got some blue steps like these so that I can get onto my special sofa. I also like to try and lay across them but I don't fit so I kind of hang off the end. J x
Wow good for you Chelsea!
We forgot to try it out the last time we were at your digs!
We can't wait - you will have to show us!
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