Personal space!
I love my Mama dearly. But,....
she is always smothering me. With kisses, compliments, hugs - you name it. I love the attention, don't get me wrong but, some days I just want to relax and not be bothered. Today is one of them. I tried to give her subtle signs I was not interested.
Here Mama is getting really up close and personal. Notice I am turned away. Hint number one.

Mama's slow apparently cuz she just didn't give up. Look at my obvious annoyance! Hint number you would think.

Then she starts with the baby talk and telling me I am so cute she just wants to squeeze me and squeeze my bum bum. Huh? Do I look like I want to be squeezed? It's bad enough the vet squeezes my anal glands. I tried to get away from Mama. Hint number 3.

Chelsea....I understand why you won't stay in the room when your Mom posts to my MOMMA does the same thing to YOUR blog....ouhhhing, and auwwwwing...cuz she thinks you are ADORABLE. Truth be known....ahem...I DO TOO!! BUT, I know you are already taken...sigh,
Chelsea, good of you to still give your mum a lick to make her happy when you wanna be alone.
~ fufu
Uh-oh, I don't believe in personal space at all. I believe in snuggling and squishing my loved ones to the max!! But I will respect your need for space when you need it, sweetie!
CC-man is a big believer in personal space. His space is a 50 foot radius around his cage. It makes for uncomfortable relations at home!
Your space-hogging man,
I dunno about giving Mom licks, I just simply take a CHOMP out of her. She's sooo tasty. yum yum
Hi Chelsea,
Since you are already taken by T-Man, can I date ur mum?? I think she is real pretty... she doesn't mind a (much) shorter guy right?
You and your mom look great together! Her lipstick and your bandana compliment each other! But we know who the real supermodel is, don't we!
Love ya lots,
Oh Chelsea, all MaMa's are the same. Mine love to snuggle up when I'm finally sound asleep. I don't care to be squeezed & squashed esp when I'm all spread out horizontally in bed!!!
Oh Chelsea, all MaMa's are the same. Mine love to snuggle up when I'm finally sound asleep. I don't care to be squeezed & squashed esp when I'm all spread out horizontally in bed!!!
Just count your blessings @ having a loving mama & warm home, you could be lost in Spain like Oscars poor poodles!
my papa is the one who smothers me, and he just doesn't pay attention to my body mama laughs at me 'cause i get so annoyed with him sometimes...i guess we can't help that we are so irresistibly cute...
I'm in T-man's camp. I LOVE to be in my mom's space. But then... one of my ambitions in life is to be a lap dog.
your mom is just adoring you. my mom likes kissing me a little too much too. but i know its bcoz she loves me dearly.
wet wet licks
Oh both of you are beautiful, you really deserve a big wet kiss!!
Aw, but look how happy mum is in the last photo. You can't deny her that.
Oscar x
Chelsea, your mama is so pretty! You two look wonderful together. Personally, I like being hugged and made over. Linda calls me a love sponge- hee hee!
Big Wags,
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