Missing my kissing cousins
My freeloading cousins Jessie and Jake came over and stayed the night. Mama and Papa went to a hockey game and my Auntie Suzy (Jessie and Jake's mama) doggie sat me.
Well, that sounds harsh. She didn't actually sit on me. Not that she would hurt me if she did because her bum bum is not that big.
Jessie tried to get into bed with me and my Mama and Papa. I growled at her. She ran downstairs to her Mama. I also was in a bit of a snit when Jake kept trying to eat my kibble.
Anyhow, my cousins and I had a blast. I chased Jake all around the backyard and was caught stealing sisterly kisses with my female cousin Jessie. I really miss them now that they are gone.
Don't tell them though.

Chelsea, that's OK you don't want to share your bed. You're a princess after all and should have your own bed!
Your man,
Oh your weekend sounds fun with your cousins. :)
~ fufu
i hope t-man isn't heart broken when he knows you are not sharing bed... i hope you share bed with t-man though.
wet wet licks
Hi Chelsea,
I'm sure you enjoyed the 'family-bonding' time with your cousins! I don't blame you for not sharing your bed though.. I guess you only share it with your mama, papa and T-Man!
Cousins are sure special! I'm glad you got to spend fun time with them.
Love ya lots,
Hey, I had company too! And I wouldn't let anyone share my ladies bed either, grrrrr.
Murph the Dog
Wow, that sounds fun! Except for the "trying to steal your bed" thing. Any pictures???
Play bows,
That sounds like a really fun weekend...I don't blame you for wanting to have your bed to yourself...I am the same way and growl if anyone or anything tries to steal my space there!
chelsea, have you received my pressie for you? t-man said he received his. i sent it at the same time.
wet wet licks
Your cousins are funny, I read their blog too. Not sure I'd be too happy about food theives either though!
Oscar x
Sorry to post this here but I couldn't find an email address. This blog is listed on my site. Can you give me a shout via email and tell me how to contact you? don't want to write a long message here in the middle of comments about something else.
Thanks in advance,
We miss you too Chelsea - especially your many food bowls you have around your house - gee you sure do have a lot of food.
We left you presents in the backyard to remind you we were there.
Some are brown and some are yellow!
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