It's mother's day. Mama's day at our house. I love my Mama and wanted to dedicate this entry to her. She is so nice and loves me very much. She does little things every day that I sometimes take for granted. Among them are,
1) Mama NEVER gets mad when I wake her up. Sometimes I pounce on her chest. Sometimes I swat her on the face with my paw. Sometimes I just lick her with no warning. She never gets upset! She rubs my tummy and tells me she loves me.
Why is this so amazing? Nobody else is allowed to wake up Mama. Ever. She will growl like a bear and rip their head off. But, me? No problem! Sometimes, I wake her up at 2 am or 4 am just to see if she's going to be all lovey with me. And she is! (By the way, being Mother's Day, I let her sleep in today. It's the least I can do)
2) Mama feeds me first. That is a big deal for her. She loves her food. She lets her dinner get cold while I get a hot piping meal. The best part is I usually get some of hers too! Mama's the best.
3) Mama separates my kibble for me. You see, I eat kibble that has 5 different pieces in it. I only like 4 of them. I will pick through my kibble and take out all the ones I like and leave the crappy piece behind. To save me the trouble, Mama goes through my entire bag of kibble and takes out the piece I don't like. She thinks I don't know but, I noticed right away and LOVE her for it. Hungry Poodles don't have time to sort kibble out.
4) Mama always makes sure my bum bum is fresh smelling and clean. You wouldn't believe how many dogs we see that have...well, um, not so clean bums. Mama always has wipes on hand and even will give me a sponge bath if the occasion calls for it. Believe me, having a clean bum is something humans take for granted....until they can no longer clean their own bums. I hope Mama realizes how much I appreciate this since I can't get back there myself.
5) It doesn't matter how tired Mama is she always takes me for a walk. Even in treacherous weather conditions. She knows that I love the fresh air. Truth be known, she needs the excercise more than I do. I just tag along to make it interesting for her and so she is not alone.
6) Mama lets me take up her side of the bed and even if I lie on her bad shoulder she never makes me move.
7) Mama is the master hunter! She goes out hunting and brings home bags and bags of chicken, beef, side dishes and water! She doesn't even carry a rifle!!! I don't know how she does it but, I really admire her hunting skills!
8) Mama picks me up when I am tired and don't feel like walking, climbing stairs - you name it. Sometimes I milk the situation and she's none the wiser.
9) Mama makes sure I am clean, groomed and go to the vet on a regular basis. Even though I hate the bastards. I know she means well.
10) Mama tells me she loves me all the time. It can get irritating but, I realize lots of doggies don't have people who love them and tell them that. We understand! We really do.
So - TO MY MAMA......HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!
Your dogter,