Dogs bums stink!

The weather was lovely so Mama and I went for an extra long walk and since it was right after Mama got home from work - there were doggies everywhere!! First I got excited and playful but, most of them were bigger than me and I don't like that. I get scared, lie on my back and cry as though Mama just took my food bowl away....
We must of seen like 16 different dogs! They were all pretty nice except one. He kept trying to jump on my back and I gave him a swat and then jumped up on Mama. She saved me from the pervert and luckily, we were on our way.
Wait until my boyfriend hears about this!!!!
I was so glad to get home. I had to greet at least half of them and let me tell you....their bums are really stinky!! I guess their Mamas don't clean their bums with baby wipes after they poop.
Why are you laughing?
OH!! If I had been there, I would have protected you from that nasty canine bully. Of course your poodle bum would smell delightful and daisy fresh being the special lady that you are. You are heads and tails above all those other common dogs.
Admiringly yours,
Chelsea .. sweet bunny hunny .. U are always so nicely groomed smelly BUMS... ?!! I don't think sooo !
I would so see about your rights, with that other Male dog .... Sexual Harrassment I SAY !!
Goodness ! Hope you are okies, Mama's are always VERY protective ! They can't help it !
LOL @ T-Man's response ... mama J Giggled soo much !!
Spidies bum is always daisy fresh..
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