Played with kids!

I had a fantastic day! Mama and I slept in until 11.....looks like she still is not going to work.......woohoo for me! Mama and I had breakfast. Mama worked on the computer and I played with Papa for a while. I went for my usual long walk and then we got home and the best thing happened ever! WE HAD COMPANY! Two little boys, oh I had such fun! I played ball with them inside. They kept throwing me all of my tennis balls (AND I HAVE TONS) then we all went outside and I chased them all over the backyard. I was so tired when they left and had to take a long nap. I even ate ALL of my own dinner from my bowl. Running around with kids is fun but, tiring! They were really cute and they liked me a lot. I think they will bother their mom to get a dog like me. Everyone should have a dog like me. Even Mama says so. I am the best dog ever. I am nice and I love kids so much. If my Mama and Papa weren't so much like kids themselves I would be asking for a sister or brother. I kind of like being spoiled though and I like it when Mama and Papa jokingly argue wether I am "Daddy's girl" or "Mama's baby girl".
There is enough of me to go around - especially since I have been eating a lot of treats. Mama found out yesterday I gained almost a pound since my last vet visit. My last visit was in June. That's not good. I don't weigh a lot so a pound is not too healthy for me to gain so fast. Mama has to cut back on my treats. Darn, and things were going so good.
I personally think I am retaining water cuz Papa let me have peanuts.
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