I was lonely!

This is basically what I did all day. Sit in the window and wait for Mama. She left really early and did not come back until after 6! I hope she does not have a job. I was so depressed because Papa went out to play golf at lunch time so I was alone for hours. I slept the whole time but, that's not the point is it? I really missed Mama and when she came home I went ballistic! I gave her forty five thousand eight hundred and twenty one kisses. At least.
Mama took me for a long walk and we saw a little puppy who was only a couple months old and bigger than me. I was scared of it! Mama was cooing in my ear not to be afraid but, what does she know? It could very well be a killer puppy for all I know. Those cuddly little fur balls don't fool me for a second! I used to be one. In fact I still am mistaken for a puppy. I love it though because people pay a lot of attention to me.
Later in the evening, I got in trouble. Mama was angry because I kept pretending I had to pee. I really wanted to go get some pears that fell off the tree in the backyard. Mama gets upset cuz the pears are rotten and I try and bring them in the house. I was really glad when Mama ate dinner finally. She is grumpy when she does not eat.......plus, I got some chicken!
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