Junk in the Yard Dog

I played outside for so long today, this picture could be me. Mama was tanning outside so I stayed with her while Papa did yardwork. Mama gave me a bone to play with and I hid it in 248 places in the backyard before I settled on a safe place where Mama and Papa can't get to it. I also forgot to tell you that I got stung by a bee yesterday. It is the second time I have been stung by a bee. I screamed really loud and then Mama ran to me and noticed I stepped on a wasp. I killed it too.........the little bugger! Mama even noticed today that now I AM SCARED OF THEM! I used to swat them and follow them around but, boy have I ever learned my lesson! Now I run! So anyhow, managed not to get bitten today. As I was saying, I played outside all day and I was covered in dirt and grass when I came inside. Mama cleaned me up and took me for a long walk. I had dinner with Mama and Papa....I GOT CHICKEN! Then I went upstairs and watched Mama fart around the computer. I licked her feet a lot and she finally got off and we went to beddie bye.
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