I chewed a plastic ball!

My mama opened some old bin with toys in it from my little cousins that is at my house for some reason. When Mama wasn't looking I took a red plastic ball and chewed it to bits. Mama was wondering why I was quiet for so long, she thought I was sleeping but, no, I was chomping on the plastic red ball. By the time she came to see what I was doing I almost chewed it all. Mama took it away and threw it in the garbage! She is in a bad mood today.
We went for our usual walk and some construction man yelled out something to Mama, well, that did not go over too well. Mama started yelling at him and using words she only uses when she steps in my poop by accident. I probably should of barked at him and stuff but, it was hot so I just plopped down on the sidewalk.
I hope Mama feels better tomorrow. She sure is cranky! She keeps eating these candies called ADVIL and won't give me any???
Dear Chelsea,
Get daddy to throw some chocolate at your mommy...it seems that during certain times of the month mommies go through chocolate withdrawal...or something like that. Besides, while she eats the chocolate..she can't be yelling!
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