Weird weather

I got up bright and early with mama and papa. Mama was busy all morning doing things around the house. I sulked continuosly and laid with papa on the couch all morning. Mama took me out in the afternoon for a long time. We had a good walk and came back home. Mama went out for a while and then we all watched movies and cuddled on the couch. One of the movies made a lot of noise on that darn surround sound system we have. My ears are very sensitive and I buried my head under mama's legs. Oh! The best part of today was that I had chicken breast, a few potato chips and mama gave me half of a granola bar. I love granola bars! She always picks out the raisins because she says they will hurt my tummy but, then she eats them?? What? Is her tummy made of steel? Anyhow, played outside for a while today but, then it rained. We had a nice family day together. I need to go to sleep now. First, I am going to eat some kibble to settle my stomach. See ya!
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