Sleeping Beauty

So tired these days. Does that surprise you? I am very active you know. Today mama and I got up at 8:45. I ate my breakfast and had a taste of mama's too. Then we cuddled on the couch. Mama was working on the computer a lot upstairs. I followed her there and slept. Well, I lay down and kept one eye open. Just making sure she is not going to leave me there and go for a walk without me. Or even worse have a snack without me. Mama took me for an early walk today at noon. I went poo twice! After that my mama had to carry me almost the whole way. Yep, she was whispering things in my ear about how lazy I am becoming but, she will thank me when her biceps are bigger than papa's! I also am trying a new stradegy when we going for a walk. I stop dead in my tracks and won't move. Mama backs up to my level and I steer in the opposite direction. She falls for this all the time now! I am pretty much dictating where we are going and when we are going. Sometimes when I am in a mischevious mood I try to get mama to walk into oncoming cars. She scoops me up rather quickly so it does not work. She gets mad at me but, she still ends up carrying me so it really is a WIN WIN situation. Sometimes the whole route is my own choice! It never makes sense and we go in circles but, at least I get to lead. Mama is going out later with her friend and keeps telling me that over and over. I am staying home with Papa who is watching some show with men holding some sticks and hitting a little white ball into a hole. Or should I say trying to. Papa doesn't yell at the screen as much as he used to when those other men chased that round black thing on ice with sticks. This show makes him much calmer. I got steak leftovers for lunch and Papa took out ribs for his dinner. I am so excited. I know just how to look at him with my eyes and lick my chops like I have not eaten for days. He is a sucker everytime. Until then, I am going back to sleep. I'm telling ya, being a dog is not as easy as it looks.
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